For graduate women

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The only barrie r to a sm ooth move of g raduate women to the Notre Dame T ow nhouses and un­ d erg radua te women back into Badin is late com pletion of the tow n­ houses. Sr. John M iriam Jones, assistan t to the Provost, said everything is based on the tow n­ houses being done in tim e. Jones sa id ,“ The initial com ple­ tion date was Ju n e 1, so women could move in for the sum m er session but the recently announced T eam ste r 's strike could crim p th i­ n g s ." All the m ateria ls have not been delivered, she noted, and work on the interior may be held up if the strike persists . “ Even if they w ere not finished until the first week in A u g u st,” she added, “ we would still be in good sh ap e .” T here is not much work to do in Badin before the underg raduates move back. The only m ajor work would be taking out two of the k itchens installed for g raduate women th is year. The T ow nhouses, located on Bullar Road one block from the M em orial Library, consist of 36 units. Jones announced the Aquinas Bookstore will be renovated and becom e the G raduate S tudent Co­ m m ons. She said (he basem ent will be a laundrom at and th ere will be apartm en ts on the second floor for the rector and her assistan t. The first floor of the com m ons will have office space and a lounge area, like a g radua te s tu d e n t’s union. The Q uonset hut behind the bookstore will also be renovated to provide space for m eeting rooms and social ga therings. “ The C om m ons will be a cen ter for res iden ts of the tow nhouses and all g raduate s tu d e n ts ,” Jones said. Four s tuden ts will live in each tw o-story tow nhouse. The first floor has a living room , dining room , kitchen and a half-bath. The kitchen facilities are all electric upsta irs there are four private study-bedroom s which Jo n es said are essen tia l to the g rad u a te s tu ­ den t. A full ba th is also located on the second floor. The units are fully furn ished . O ther fea tu res are wall-to-wall carpeting in every room and a te lephone in the living room. T here is an off-street paved and lighted parking space ad jacent to every unit. T here are two room s equipped for the handicapped in the complex They are connected to regu la r units and share the living-dining room of that unit. Jones said these rooms allow a person in a w heelchair to be totally independent. The rector of the tow nhouses has two functions, according to Jones. F irst, she is the personal m inister to the res iden ts and second, an apa rtm en t m anager. Although they are independen t un its, Jones believes there will be interaction betw een the studen ts . She sees the rector as “ a catalyst in b ringing people to g e th e r ." The tow nhouses will not be run like dorm s. T here will be no parie ta ls, according to Jones. But as with on-cam pus residen t halls, th e U niversity reserves th e righ t to e n te r room s w ithout a search w arran t for the purpose of m ain­ tain ing security , discipline and the orderly operations of an education­ al institu tion . Sr. M aria G arlock, rec trcss of Badin, will be the rector of the tow nhouses. She described the a ttitu d e in Badin as "en th u s ia s tic " tow ards moving to the new com ­ plex. She believes the new com plex will increase social life because off-cam pus grad studen ts can come and engage in activities at the com m ons. Garlock said the complex will be sa le security-w ise. She pointed out the g reat advan tage of s tuden ts being able to park in front of their unit. “ W hen un d erg rad u a tes re tu rn to Badin it will be the one g ir l's hall with a good balance betw een the c la s se s ," Jo n es sta ted . This will be accom plished by setting aside 40 p laces for freshm an and control­ ling the num ber of each class in the hall. "A ll girls who moved to Lewis from Badin will have a room , if they w ant, in B ad in ," she assu red . She is not certain about those who moved to o ther halls from Badin an (continued on page 2)

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تاریخ انتشار 2013